Anyway, this post was originally titled, Everything happens for a reason. While I've always been a firm believer in that, I didn't think it would be the most appropriate title right now.
Nevertheless, in my
About a month and a half ago, Brent was laid off from his job. Thankfully it wasn't due to performance, as he was one of the top salespeople in the region. They had simply overcrowded the Memphis market and had to let someone go. Since he had the "least amount of responsibility" (aka we don't have children), they chose him. Even though he received a fantastic letter of recommendation from his District Manager and his resume could speak for itself, he was pretty beat up about it. Can't imagine what he was going through. I did everything I could to be supportive and let him know he was loved no matter what (even Googled what to do when your husband gets laid'd be surprised what can find!), I know he was dealing with the natural thoughts of "I'm the man of the house; I should be the provider." If it had been performance-based, he would have at least been expecting it. But losing a job is never easy, especially when you're blindsided.
Through it all, I tried to convince him that this was a tremendous blessing. Of course it didn't seem like it at the time, especially after receiving our lovely credit card bill from the Italy trip (even then, we wouldn't take a single part of it back). But for the past 4+ years, Brent has been pretty miserable when it comes to work. The longer time went on, the more I just knew we'd look back 10 years from now, and he'd still be at the same job, still miserable and nowhere near where he wanted to be career-wise.
Fast forward to last week, and he's got a new j-o-b! Not only is it a position he would have left his previous company for, but it's THE job he's been looking for. It wasn't without stress, arguments and what could have been a huge strain on our marriage - I assure you. But to find something like this and the company be so excited to have your husband come work for, what a blessing indeed!
Aside from that, the personal stress + professional stress of the past month and a half + not being able to run = mild depression. However, dealing with yet another round of ITBS (in both legs/knees no less) forced me to cross train. It's opened my eyes to the world of biking and swimming. And I LOVE it!! I never knew I would enjoy swimming so much, and get such an intense workout from it at the same time. I'll be a better runner because of it, and will hopefully be able to run longer. Plus, it's something for my Dad and I to do together, which is pretty cool. :)
There's also the infertility factor. Though we've been a little more "careful" I guess you could say over the past couple months, it's been close to three years that we've been trying to conceive. I was planning to start a new fertility treatment in June, which was naturally put on hold until things got settled with Brent. That was a huge factor in putting it off, but to be honest, I started having reservations about it even before that. Looking back on the past 3-5 years, I'm overwhelmed by all the blessings we've been given and truly believe there's a reason for everything. Maybe it just hasn't been our time yet. Maybe I needed to be a good aunt to Bailey (and now Ava!) first. I'm so thankful for my career and the fact that I love what I do. So maybe I needed time to focus on that. And travel. Ooooo, do I love to travel! Rome, Siena, Florence, Venice, Cape Cod, New York, Boston, Houston, Las Vegas, Chicago...and that's just 2012! Granted half of that was for business, but the other was 100% pleasure. The whole kid chapter definitely hasn't closed (we do have Buster, you know!), but I feel so much more at peace with where I'm at -- where we're at. And for that, I'm so very thankful!
On the Rialto Bridge in Venice!
Cape Cod!
Best buds!
My child...who thinks he's human. :)
Ava dancing and me doing who knows what
Melts my heart!