It's been a roller coaster of a year...well, two years really.
I've been traveling more, we've attended and/or been in more friends and family members' weddings (mostly out of town) than I can even count, the whole kidney stone ordeal of 2011, fertility issues and the ups and downs of thinking "this is the month!", training for the marathon and my current half marathon/PR training, being insanely busy at work, and trying to fit in time with family and friends as often as I can. Even with all that, I finally feel like I'm in a good, happy place in all aspects of life.
Professionally, things couldn't be better. We're in the middle of redesigning a new niche website, we're moving along with the video marketing plan (finally), I'm doing a bit more business development (so exciting!), feeling more productive than ever, and being held more accountable, too, which I'm extremely thankful for. I'm also about to start traveling quite a bit...Houston next week for a committee meeting, St. Louis the following week to meet with customers, Las Vegas a few weeks later for a few different tradeshows (one of which I'm speaking at), then NYC for a marketing conference and the #NYChalf (round 2, whoop!), and Chicago after that for another conference. Phew...but I can't really complain with those locations. :) All I have to say is thank goodness for my assistant (a fabulous one at that)!!
Personally, I finally feel at peace with just about everything. My running has improved, I feel great, and I'm just in a good mood. As far as the baby issue goes, maybe it's because I'm busier than ever at work, the fact that I'm starting a new medication next month, or Brent and I finally being on the same page about {almost} everything, but I have never felt more sure that things are just as it should be.
With all that said, I have to send a quick shout out to a few peeps. My hubby, who supports me working long hours, Saturdays, traveling, and a rigorous running schedule. My parents, who are there for me no matter what. My running buddy, who is there for me more than she'll ever know. My best friend, Erika, who even though we don't get to see or talk to each other as often as we'd like, after 16 years, we know we're always there for each other and are only a phone call away. A couple co-workers, who provide a calming and positive influence, which I am utterly grateful for. And of course, Buster the Boston Terrier. He rules at life.
Happy weekend everyone!
Beth, you are amazing!!:)